What does optimistic mean

Are you one of those who see the glass as half full or half empty all of the time? Do you believe that something beneficial may be "extracted" from any scenario, including negative ones, or are you one of those that assign a negative meaning to everything? Or, to put it another way, are you an optimist or a pessimist?
We don't blame you if you fall into the second category.
Daily, the average human brain processes over 70,000 ideas, which are harmful. These are known as "automatic negative thoughts" by psychologists.
What does optimism mean?

Optimism is a mindset that helps people to see the world, other people, and events in the most favorable light possible. Unfortunately, many people confuse optimism with happiness, although the two are not synonymous. There is also a misconception that optimists are simply those who see the bright side of every circumstance, but specialists say this is not the case.
"Optimism doesn't mean you neglect life's stressors. You approach difficulties in a more productive way" - Kimberly Hershenson.
Some people are naturally optimistic, but we can all learn to be optimistic if we find meaning in our lives and work.
What does optimism mean to others?
Psychologists even dispute if optimism is a more acceptable mental state. They feel that pessimism has advantages as well. Optimism has become a cult in the United States, for example. Our belief in the power of positive thinking is foolish and ignores the complexities of the human drive.
For decades, scientists and the general public have seen optimism and pessimism as dominant personality qualities - a stable and essentially constant way of perceiving life, an essential part of our "composition." You're either an optimist or a pessimist. People's optimism and pessimism may be judged. Researchers may quantify them by asking individuals to fill out brief questionnaires, and there have been thousands upon thousands of such studies so far.
Optimism or pessimism

Pessimism, a weak relative of optimism, emerges from the shadows during the same period. Pessimism is associated with a lot of tendencies. Persons were asked to read a description of two people, one an optimist and the other a pessimist, and then envision meeting them in one experiment.
What did the research show?
According to recent studies, optimism is the key to living a long and healthy life. According to ScienceDaily magazine, optimism has a favorable impact on mental and physical health.
The research discovered a correlation between optimism and a healthy heart in over 5,000 middle-aged and older Americans. In addition, scientists from the American University of Illinois have shown that optimistic persons have a higher chance of having a healthy heart than pessimists.
Scientists in the United States have discovered that optimism impacts cardiovascular health, regardless of the individual's socio-demographic traits or mental health. Furthermore, research has revealed that optimists have lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Other features of optimists include more physical activity, a lower body mass index, and fewer smokers than pessimists.
Methods to learn to be positive

Be self-confident
You hear the statement "don't compare yourself to others" repeatedly, yet you may never follow it. Comparing yourself to others erodes your self-esteem and inhibits you from living the life you desire.
If someone else appears to be more successful than you, it does not negate your right to happiness. Even millionaires have unpleasant days and a long list of issues to resolve.
Therefore, you are unique, take pride in that, and use it. Everyone has their luck, and it is waiting for you; if you have a difficult assignment ahead of you today, approach it with optimism, and you will not feel its burden.
Remove any negative terms from your vocabulary!
Being upbeat also entails using pleasant language.
Avoid using phrases like: - I can't do that, it's not the right time for that, I'm not qualified for that...
Instead, say something like: - I know, I can, and nothing will stop me. I have the power to transform my life.
You are naturally training your thinking and directing yourself towards success.
Change your perspective
This is another step toward becoming a more optimistic and happy person, which you should strive towards.
Don't allow a single event to destroy your life. For example, if you don't have a job, don't become angry or frustrated since you may not be able to get one. Every setback is an opportunity to learn more about yourself. You will conquer any challenges simpler and faster if you embrace them cheerfully.
Repeat positive affirmations
Make a list of quotes that inspire you and encourage you never to give up. Start each day by reading at least ten optimistic citations to stay motivated throughout the day.
Quotes are a treasure trove of wisdom condensed into a few lines of text that may dramatically transform your personality.
Positive music solves everything
Every morning, psychologists recommend listening to cheerful music. It gives you energy throughout the day and aids with stress management.
Because music can go into the depths of our souls and ideas, it may help you cope with issues and preserve your mental health.
Accept yourself
Optimists tend to love and forgive themselves for previous mistakes. Pessimists are quick to point out their flaws and criticize them. It is entirely up to you whether you are optimistic or pessimistic.
If you go with choice 1, accept and embrace your imperfections and habits.
You are not flawless; in fact, no one is. You can't change your height, scars, the size of your feet, the form of your face, or the contour of your body no matter how hard you try, so quit worrying about them.

Enjoy each new day that comes and celebrate those that pass. We will end this blog with the sentence of James Baldwin: "I cannot be a pessimist because I am alive. To be a pessimist means that you have agreed that human life is an academic matter. So, I am forced to be an optimist. I am forced to believe that we can survive, whatever we must survive."